North Adams Community Memorial Library

Welcome to the North Adams Community Memorial Library!

Check out the link to Local History and Genealogy, located in the bar beneath the logo at the top of the page.

Your library resources available anytime, anywhere:

eShelf & Research

- Work and research from the office or from home, anytime

Good Reads

 - Book reviews, top sellers, author interviews, and news headlines


Library Catalog

Search for books in our collection or log in to your account. 


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Search for books from across the state to borrow from this library.

Find craft and hobby ideas and instructional videos.
Simply sign in with your library card.

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Renew your license plates or driver's license online! Or change your address. No lines to stand in!

driving blue icon.png

Need to study for the driving test? Use these links to access practice Michigan driving tests.

Find helpful resources for parents and children alike at Substance Use Prevention Education

Please call or email the library to access Consumer Reports for free from home!

The link above will take you to Mango Languages where you can take lessons in over 70 languages. Also, look in the Play Store on your device for the app. You will have to create an account. Don't worry, it's free!


Looking for an activity? Check here for free passes to many parks, museums, etc.

The Library of Michigan provides a wide variety of databases for the use of all Michigan residents.

Search for information to build your family tree here. If you need assistance with your genealogy, please come in.